I don't know when the pathological narcissist's ever going to finally realize his lying may appear to get him somewhere except for the reality he's in a never ending loop of hopelessness. One might feel temporary jubilation at continually getting others to back stab, smear and humiliate his victim on his behalf, however these little battles mean very little. Not only will this narcissist never get any legal fees out of me, he's sinking himself in fighting a hopeless war he cannot possibly win.
Any attorney worth his wage would give the narcissist this kind of advice, "you can't win this, let go of it and move on." Mr. Narcissist has continually lied and misrepresented himself hoping to win and gain accolades with the authorities. This is what a typical narcissist does because he hates losing and for his fake image to be tarnished. Someone with a real inner foundation of themselves doesn't care how many battles they lose because truth is on their side and that's all that really matters.
Endless Loop for the Loopy Minded - Lies Solve Nothing!
The endless loop continues because the lesson has not been learned by the perpetrator. Keep paying attorneys, keep putting money into it because you're not getting a cent from me. It's a losing battle. Give it up!
A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Friday, March 26, 2010
Nancy Pelosi Inspires Sanctions Against San Francisco
I think I understand now why Dems and liberals have taken so much heat from conservatives. I used to be a liberal and Democrat. Not anymore. I've been listening to radio commentator and documentary film maker Alex Jones at www.InfoWars.com and have since changed my views. Not that I've been brainwashed in any way, I've just seen the light. I also read the national bestseller Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg that helped change my views.
People across the country are very upset with the health care reform bill. One blogger is organizing a sanction of Pelosi and the city of San Francisco that gave rise to her. Here's a peek:
People across the country are very upset with the health care reform bill. One blogger is organizing a sanction of Pelosi and the city of San Francisco that gave rise to her. Here's a peek:
"By way of threats, bribery and lies she and her henchmen have coordinated the most serious breech of Constitutional law in nearly 100 years; and she has done it all without exhibiting the slightest bit of remorse.
It is for this reason that I propose strong and crippling sanctions against the City of San Francisco. They must be made to hear the hue and cry of a nation that demands Nancy Pelosi be removed from office. Until they meet with our demands, we will cease to support their economy with our consumer dollars.
Tourism is the backbone of San Francisco’s economy. Any and all travel into or through San Francisco should cease. All conventions and seminars should be canceled. If any business trips are planned, accommodations should be arranged outside the city limits. Hotels and restaurants should be notified that they should no longer expect our patronage as long as Nancy Pelosi holds office.
A BOYCOTT of companies headquartered in San Francisco should begin immediately. Some of those companies include The Gap, Levis-Strauss, Gymboree, McKesson Pharmacies, Sega of America, Lucasfilm, Wells Fargo Bank, Ghiradelli, Del Monte Foods, Hills Brothers Coffee and Anchor Brewing Company among others. I suggest a comprehensive list of companies be compiled and posted on an independent website with a view counter to reflect how many have consulted the list. The Pelosi Sanction
This sentiment towards San Francisco is quite different from the days when the world contributed to its reconstruction and recovery after the 1906 earthquake. What this means is that bad politics can be potentially worse then a bad earthquake. Will Nancy Pelosi's rise in politics eventually cause San Francisco to suffer? Only time will tell.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
13 States File Lawsuit Against Health Care Bill as Unconstitutional
In response to an unprecedented infringement into Americans' choices and lives, a federal lawsuit was filed by Texas attorney General Greg Abbott on behalf of 13 other attorney generals contesting the constitutionality of the newly enacted Health Care Reform law.
In spite of whatever happens, I think ultimately when Americans learn about the details of what their misguided politicians have done on their behalf, they will simply not cooperate. It's much easier not to cooperate with the health care reform requirements then to follow them. I predict the government's new health plan will be difficult to enforce as multitudes of people will simply ignore its existence.
Desperate politicians do desperate things. This bill is one of those desperate things of elderly dying statesmen like Ted Kennedy who wanted to leave their mark on America prior to their deaths. It's even been reported Patrick Kennedy recently placed a note on his father's grave saying his work was done. So, this health care bill is really about misguided politicians, the historic mark they wished to leave on the nation and not about America's improved health care. It can be viewed as rather ominous Patrick Kennedy placed a note on a dead man's grave over American's new health care plan.
Nancy Pelosi, whose in her 70's, obviously needed some historic mark to leave our country. Pelosi's primarily responsible for why this bill survived and ultimately became law.
The thirteen-state coalition, which includes Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Washington, Colorado, Michigan, Utah, Alabama, South Dakota, and Idaho, filed its legal challenge in the Federal District Court in the Northern District of Florida. It was filed shortly after President Barack Obama signed the bill into law. The legal action specifically challenges the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and names the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury and Labor as defendants because those federal agencies are charged with implementing the Act's constitutionally impermissible provisions.California's attorney general Jerry Brown is also unenthusiastically looking into the constitutionality of the law.
In spite of whatever happens, I think ultimately when Americans learn about the details of what their misguided politicians have done on their behalf, they will simply not cooperate. It's much easier not to cooperate with the health care reform requirements then to follow them. I predict the government's new health plan will be difficult to enforce as multitudes of people will simply ignore its existence.
Nancy Pelosi, whose in her 70's, obviously needed some historic mark to leave our country. Pelosi's primarily responsible for why this bill survived and ultimately became law.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
America R.I.P. 1776-2010
A rather young woman discusses why she believes America died on March 21, 2010. As for me, I agree with her.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bank Failures Gain Steam in 2010 Outpacing 2009
The media is keeping the bad news under the public radar that U.S. bank collapses are accelerating. The largest bank to recently fail in California is La Jolla Bank FSB in La Jolla, California.
La Jolla Bank FSB in California was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. It had 10 branches, $3.6 billion in assets and $2.8 billion in deposits. Its deposits and assets were taken over by OneWest Bank in Pasadena in a deal that is expected to cost the insurance fund $882.3 million. OneWest and the FDIC will share the losses on failed bank loans and other assets of approximately $3.3 billion.
Like the Titanic gradually imploded into the sea, so is the U.S. banking system. In February, 2010, bank failures surged 25% in one week. The banking system is gradually hemorrhaging. Smart people will make sure to invest in precious metals, long term food storage, survival gear and prepare for the worst. Banks could very well prevent withdrawals from accounts with a banking holiday.
Based on what I've read and listened to the past several months, including that of top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, 2010 is going to be a year of economic collapse. Key states including California and Illinois are on the verge of bankruptcy.
After the health care bill was passed on March 21, 2010, Congressman Ron Paul predicted the United States will go into bankruptcy. "Obamacare will be repealed by bankruptcy" Paul proclaimed.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Temporary Restraining Order Issued Against Edmond Wollmann March 15, 2010
For any visitor familiar with the long ongoing absurd dispute I have with a complete stranger who is in denial as if he's an angel up in heaven void of any wrong doing on the Internet against me or anyone else -- a temporary restraining order was issued on my behalf by the San Francisco Superior Court on March 15, 2010 against Edmond Wollmann.
I've been told I submitted so much supporting evidence that there is no hope the cyber stalker and harasser will be able to overcome a permanent restraining order.
Maybe he will finally leave me alone.
I've been told I submitted so much supporting evidence that there is no hope the cyber stalker and harasser will be able to overcome a permanent restraining order.
Maybe he will finally leave me alone.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Singer Andy Williams Right On About Obama's Marxism
Of all things, if wonders never cease! I could hardly believe singer Andy Williams is still alive and kicking in 2010! It was only a a few months ago the singer accused Obama of being a Marxist wanting to destroy America. Boy was he ever right! With great age sometimes does come wisdom.
Obama is a total fraud whose real name he has admitted being Barry something or other. Obama wasn't even born in the United States! Obama's paid out $1.5 million dollars to attorneys to cover-up he's not a natural born US citizen for a lawsuit filed against him. Obama was born in Kenya.
I grew up listening to my mother's Andy Williams' albums and watching his television music show in the 1960's. I consider Andy Williams a great singer for his phrasing and sensitive approach to music. In retrospect, Barry Manilow's remake of Love Story on his latest CD in 2010 came way too late in Barry's career to do the Andy Williams' original version justice. The timing isn't quite right for Barry Manilow to make a good remake of the original.
Andy Williams was a great singer in my book being higly underrated in our culture today. I'm sure Barry Manilow was influenced by Andy Williams as well. It's too bad Manilow waited too late in his career to perform his latest 2010 CD honoring the greatest love songs of all time. What I miss in the music is real string players and stellar arrangements. Manilow's performance of Love Story on YouTube was painful to watch. Manilow's reduced himself to Karaoke that probably wouldn't make a first cut for American Idol. Out of respect for Barry Manilow, I won't post the video here.
Andy Williams is a testament to the growing probability human beings can become immortal living forever. Just look at his photo! Singing keeps people young if they stick with the right kind of music. Like I say, I can hardly believe Andy Williams is still alive in 2010 let alone outing Obama as a fraud President and a Marxist.
Obama is a total fraud whose real name he has admitted being Barry something or other. Obama wasn't even born in the United States! Obama's paid out $1.5 million dollars to attorneys to cover-up he's not a natural born US citizen for a lawsuit filed against him. Obama was born in Kenya.
I grew up listening to my mother's Andy Williams' albums and watching his television music show in the 1960's. I consider Andy Williams a great singer for his phrasing and sensitive approach to music. In retrospect, Barry Manilow's remake of Love Story on his latest CD in 2010 came way too late in Barry's career to do the Andy Williams' original version justice. The timing isn't quite right for Barry Manilow to make a good remake of the original.
Andy Williams was a great singer in my book being higly underrated in our culture today. I'm sure Barry Manilow was influenced by Andy Williams as well. It's too bad Manilow waited too late in his career to perform his latest 2010 CD honoring the greatest love songs of all time. What I miss in the music is real string players and stellar arrangements. Manilow's performance of Love Story on YouTube was painful to watch. Manilow's reduced himself to Karaoke that probably wouldn't make a first cut for American Idol. Out of respect for Barry Manilow, I won't post the video here.
Andy Williams is a testament to the growing probability human beings can become immortal living forever. Just look at his photo! Singing keeps people young if they stick with the right kind of music. Like I say, I can hardly believe Andy Williams is still alive in 2010 let alone outing Obama as a fraud President and a Marxist.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
On Second Thought, CourtCall Use Seems Potentially Damaging to Testimony
The jury's out on whether court calling using www.CourtCall.com, rather then appearing at a hearing, is effective. It seems the courts make money from the court calls but I question whether it can be harmful to a person's case to appear that way. It's impersonal and difficult because there's no body language or communication cues. It's easy for a judge to be impersonal and treat you like a non-person as just a voice over a speaker phone.
I think maybe CourtCalls should be used sparingly by legal professionals and really important hearings should be attended in person. Court's don't care either way as long as they get their money. I really do think legal professionals should be careful overusing CourtCall to save on their travel expenses.
I think maybe CourtCalls should be used sparingly by legal professionals and really important hearings should be attended in person. Court's don't care either way as long as they get their money. I really do think legal professionals should be careful overusing CourtCall to save on their travel expenses.
Hello, what was that you say? I can't hear you! Maybe it's because ya'll are descending into the pit of hell of a sinking failed state called California. That is, a state where the Mexican military just flies into its airspace without a care of the U.S. government. A state that's the worst in the country for public education. A state that has to give its court system a holiday each month because it can't afford to pay its BAD male chauvinist pig judges.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tax Deadline Madness Looms Ahead
Yahoo! I just completed my taxes and business deductions for 2009 and am relieved I had enough deductions to reduce my taxes significantly. I also had capital losses I could use when I sold my gold coins for a loss the same year. The deduction is $3,000!
Yesterday I was about to drop the returns in the mail without the capital loss deduction when it suddenly dawned on me as I headed out the door I could include capital losses on Schedule D! It was very simple to do and saved me $800 in taxes. I proceeded to rewrite a check to the IRS for $800 less than I had only 30 minutes prior. Had I later learned to have missed such a significant deduction, I would have been very upset to say the least. I could have amended the return of course, but doing so is always a red flag for the IRS for possible audits.
I had started out doing my taxes with the free e-filing forms the IRS offers on its site only to learn the calculating math sections are buggy. I then turned to Turbo Tax, something I used last year for a more simpler return, but decided to file the old fashioned way. Here's the reason why; I believe Turbo Tax is dangerous to use for more complex tax filings.
Turbo Tax software isn't as complex as one might expect. Turbo leads you to believe taxes done its way will be fast and simple with its internal guidance feature, but I believe it poses a danger to tax payers to depend far too much on the software itself. They also lie claiming filing with Turbo is "free". Not so! You'll not only pay to use the software, but pay a $50 fee to file electronically.
I used to have an accountant do my taxes but decided I could do them myself to save a few hundred dollars. My accountant was great to call up with tax questions he'd answer at no charge. However today's Internet, along with various self-help tax books, allows answers in a matter of minutes. My former accountant's one of those ole fashioned professionals who has no email address or website. I'd have to mail my returns and wait 4 weeks, then be charged at least $300.
Thanks to PDFs and the Internet providing all the information at one's fingertips, doing one's own taxes and deductions is doable. The only question that remains is, does the IRS tend to trust accountant's work over the tax payer doing their own returns much like judges give more credence to attorneys then pro pers (self represented) people? Is there a special protection that comes with using an accountant who signs the return? Only time will tell.
Yesterday I was about to drop the returns in the mail without the capital loss deduction when it suddenly dawned on me as I headed out the door I could include capital losses on Schedule D! It was very simple to do and saved me $800 in taxes. I proceeded to rewrite a check to the IRS for $800 less than I had only 30 minutes prior. Had I later learned to have missed such a significant deduction, I would have been very upset to say the least. I could have amended the return of course, but doing so is always a red flag for the IRS for possible audits.
I had started out doing my taxes with the free e-filing forms the IRS offers on its site only to learn the calculating math sections are buggy. I then turned to Turbo Tax, something I used last year for a more simpler return, but decided to file the old fashioned way. Here's the reason why; I believe Turbo Tax is dangerous to use for more complex tax filings.
Turbo Tax software isn't as complex as one might expect. Turbo leads you to believe taxes done its way will be fast and simple with its internal guidance feature, but I believe it poses a danger to tax payers to depend far too much on the software itself. They also lie claiming filing with Turbo is "free". Not so! You'll not only pay to use the software, but pay a $50 fee to file electronically.
I used to have an accountant do my taxes but decided I could do them myself to save a few hundred dollars. My accountant was great to call up with tax questions he'd answer at no charge. However today's Internet, along with various self-help tax books, allows answers in a matter of minutes. My former accountant's one of those ole fashioned professionals who has no email address or website. I'd have to mail my returns and wait 4 weeks, then be charged at least $300.
Thanks to PDFs and the Internet providing all the information at one's fingertips, doing one's own taxes and deductions is doable. The only question that remains is, does the IRS tend to trust accountant's work over the tax payer doing their own returns much like judges give more credence to attorneys then pro pers (self represented) people? Is there a special protection that comes with using an accountant who signs the return? Only time will tell.
Monday, March 8, 2010
California Ranks #48 in Public Education Thanks to Proposition 13
It's interesting to note the primary cause of the dramatic deterioration of California's public education system began when I was back in high school. Within 7 days of my graduation in 1978, Proposition 13 was passed. Back then we had music, sports and performing arts programs along with all kinds of other extra curricular school activities. I remember our music director expressing great fear over the proposition for his job. Over 30 years later, as predicted by many, the proposition steadily caused California to become a failed public education state:
California public schools, which in the 1960s had been ranked nationally as among the best, have fallen to 48th in many surveys of student achievement. Some have disputed Proposition 13's direct role in the move to state financing of public schools, because schools financed mostly by property taxes were declared unconstitutional in Serrano vs. Priest, and Proposition 13 was then passed partially as a result of that case. California's spending per pupil was the same as the national average until about 1985, when it began dropping, which led to another referendum, that requires a certain percentage of the state's budget to be directed towards education. WikipediaThis state's a mess all thanks to politicians. There are also far too many attorneys in this state contributing to the mess. California used to be a nice place to live. Not anymore.
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