Flying Monkeys Cloud, Sept 26, 2021 |
I finally have some time to put up pictures from last year on this blog! Back in 2021 I happened to glance out the window in late September to see what looked like a winged creature headed toward me. After I magnified the creature's face it was funny looking. I try not to mock what I see in the clouds because it could very well be some supernatural related spirit, a messenger of sorts, bearing some kind of warning. I don't take these things lightly at all.
The flying sea monkeys were headed straight for me and in the magnified version below you will see the expression of the spirit cloud for yourself. Just for anyone's information, this is to confirm I don't manipulate these photos other than cropping, contrast and saturation to bring out the features of the clouds better.
Magnified Flying Sea Monkey Cloud
Don't worry, I'm not going to provide any photos from the Wizard of Oz to compare because those are far scarier then these clouds! The flying sea monkeys in the Oz movie were close to appearing demonic in nature, quite frightening to behold. These type have a fish like in nature since sea monkey's abide in water. Speaking of fish, the next photo comes from the last day of 2021. Here comes Jaws!
Shark Cloud, December 30, 2021 |
If you look closely you can see the shark teeth. You also may be able to make out another type of fish right below to the right with a fish like tail fanning out its body to the left. I view these clouds as a forewarning of the times ahead that are going to be more challenging for many in 2022.
Next. . . . .
From all the volcano and tornadoes lately I thought I'd post a few I also denote as quite peculiar as well in frames I noted in videos:
A twister with a large eye touches earth with its nose while sticking tongue out. |
The twister has a nose for a funnel and at least one clear eyeball at left. The twister also has a mouth with a tongue hanging out bottom right. You can see the lips surrounding its tongue as its nose funnel's in a frenzy touching the earth.
Tonga head observed in a video of a volcano eruption January 15, 2022 |
Tonga volcano eruption from a video shows other strange figures |
I actually have many photos to upload especially from 2021 so I'll be posting them shortly. Thanks for visiting and please know Jesus Christ is King of Kings, Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16), no matter what's up there now in the heaven's above. Jesus is coming back to judge the world so don't be too surprised what's happening now with so much turmoil happening. The Book of Revelation predicted it all.