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Jacob Rothschild with his puppet Donald Trump |
In this day and age of access to the investigative talents such as that of Blackstone Intelligence Network's Jake Morphonios, I believe we should take full advantage of such extraordinary research. Perhaps we should all take pause to reconsider whether our belief systems are really based in truth and fact or instead that of delusions rooted in biased propaganda we pick up listening to television newscasts.
The truth is that many claim to have voted for Trump because they wanted to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming President. At the very least, many voters believed if they had to choose from these two candidates that Trump was the lesser of two evils. Now that Trump's been in the White House nearly two years having failed many of his campaign promises, it's time to consider investigative research revealed as of late.
The truth is that many claim to have voted for Trump because they wanted to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming President. At the very least, many voters believed if they had to choose from these two candidates that Trump was the lesser of two evils. Now that Trump's been in the White House nearly two years having failed many of his campaign promises, it's time to consider investigative research revealed as of late.
First, I wanted to make sure people understand today's America isn't what the Founding Father's created since the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. The reason so many politicians have sold out Americans' heritage for their own interests is because they believe they work under USA, Inc. as a corporate entity registered on Dunn & Bradstreet. Within a corporate framework, the U.S. government is just a facade to these politicians who know what's coming down the pike, namely that the U.S. dollar is going to collapse by design. Consequently, U.S. politicians are seeking the approval of new world government elitist families such as the Rothschilds. This is where Donald Trump comes into history to play his hand of cards as a clear gambler.
"Donald Trump. The name is a punchline now, associated with the worst of 1980s extravagance, egomania, and greed. Once, the world marveled at the scope and mastery of Trump's megabuck deals. Today, he's widely regarded as a washed-up real estate mogul who has been stripped of his once lustrous possessions". The Donald Trump Card : He Just Got a Better Deal, Bloomberg News, March 22, 1992

Due to Rothschild, Inc. saving Donald Trump, he's really been operating as the U.S. President on behalf of the Zionist Rothschild network. All the wars being contemplated are for the Zionist Rothschild's and Israel's interests, not that of the United States.
The recent investigative journalist research of Jake Morphonios proves
who Donald Trump really is and who he's really serving as President of USA, Inc.
In my opinion based on sifting through multiple reputable research sources, Americans have lost their country to Rothschild, Inc. that's been happening under the radar incrementally during the past several decades. See, The Bankruptcy of America, 1933. Consequently, the U.S. is being used like a corporation disguised as a government in order to obtain taxes to enslave its citizenry. U.S. cities have also incorporated! Meanwhile, the Rothschild men sit on the boards of major industries all over the U.S. including Pacific Gas & Electric and AT&T. This is extremely dangerous because the Zionist Rothschilds are evil and void of respect for human life preferring artificial life forms while wanting to kill off 90% of the population to form a new utopia to rule from the land of Israel.

Christian Zionists who support Israel's brutal genocidal regime are supporting the AntiChrist spirit who need to reconsider their loyalties. According to Scripture, many who occupy Israel today are liars and frauds according to Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. In fact, 90% of those who claim to be of Jewish decent aren't even from the land of Israel being 8th Century Judaism converts from Khazaria. according to their DNA. See DNA Science and the Bloodline of the Jews, Texe Marrs.
God expects His people to keep on pressing for the truth at all times and not be deceived. Therefore, don't settle for the Zionists' lies, keep pressing forward for the truth in Jesus Christ that sets souls free. The U.S. President is clearly a puppet for Rothschild interests that bailed him out long ago who own him. Trump's since been gradually coming out of the closet as a psychopath monster who can't be trusted wanting to bring Americans into wars to steal other nations' oil based on lies and false premises.
Consequently, President Donald Trump, like many of his predecessors over the past several decades, has proven himself a huge supporter of torture for false confessions such as what happened since 9/11 demonstrating himself a wicked horrible person whose soul's clearly been taken over by Satan. God in no way approves of torture and will punish America for this practice!
If you support this fallen man Trump, I strongly encourage you to reconsider the facts presented in the video posted herein of his real purpose of being in the White House that's not in the best interests of America or its citizens. There will be a heavy price to pay for continuing to participate in support and agreement of this scam of Rothschild's USA, Inc. The penalty will be spiritual and severe to all souls involved especially since America's being run behind the scenes by evil principalities rooted in Satanism. See Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Trump's an evil politician, liar and agent for Satan. I once supported Trump until God began revealing to me his true nature and identity but no longer do. I don't bother to listen to a single word Trump utters out of his foul lying lips as an agent of Satan and hope you don't either.
God expects His people to keep on pressing for the truth at all times and not be deceived. Therefore, don't settle for the Zionists' lies, keep pressing forward for the truth in Jesus Christ that sets souls free. The U.S. President is clearly a puppet for Rothschild interests that bailed him out long ago who own him. Trump's since been gradually coming out of the closet as a psychopath monster who can't be trusted wanting to bring Americans into wars to steal other nations' oil based on lies and false premises.
Consequently, President Donald Trump, like many of his predecessors over the past several decades, has proven himself a huge supporter of torture for false confessions such as what happened since 9/11 demonstrating himself a wicked horrible person whose soul's clearly been taken over by Satan. God in no way approves of torture and will punish America for this practice!
If you support this fallen man Trump, I strongly encourage you to reconsider the facts presented in the video posted herein of his real purpose of being in the White House that's not in the best interests of America or its citizens. There will be a heavy price to pay for continuing to participate in support and agreement of this scam of Rothschild's USA, Inc. The penalty will be spiritual and severe to all souls involved especially since America's being run behind the scenes by evil principalities rooted in Satanism. See Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Trump's an evil politician, liar and agent for Satan. I once supported Trump until God began revealing to me his true nature and identity but no longer do. I don't bother to listen to a single word Trump utters out of his foul lying lips as an agent of Satan and hope you don't either.