Back to 2008 -- By 2012 Edmond Wollmann would initially be given a space on the Internet modeled after MySpace.com. In order to log in, he would need to scan his fingerprint. His fingerprint would also tie into Homeland Security that has a database file of his criminal offenses of 1) Public Nuisance the city of San Diego filed against him in 2003 and Trespassing in 1998. This means Wollmann's true identity would always be known and no anonymous activities will be allowed by the new super highway. The government, corporations and major universities are constructing Internet 2.0, among other reasons, to ward off vermin cyber criminals like Edmond Wollmann. All of this crazy man's posts the past decade will be left to desinigrate and will eventually never be seen again.
The grim reaper anxiously awaits for Edmond Wollmann to do unto him as he's done to untold numbers of others the past decade. Greeting at the Reaper's door will read "It's sure a cut throat world in cyberspace, isn't it Edmond?"
In the following clip, Alex Jones delivers the sobering news in his Part II Death of the Internet series to his fans that the Internet will be completely gone as we know it by 2012, in a matter of four years or less.